2009 m. gegužės 26 d., antradienis

Dėkingos mamos visame pasaulyje

Kai gauni bet kokį šiltą laišką - apsidžiaugi. Ir nebūtinai jis turi būti tiesiogiai su tavimi susijęs. Taip įvyko ir mums visiems - Kindermusik žmonėms. Štai laiškas, gautas vienos Kindermusik edukatorės iš sergančio vaikučio mamos... Jis mus įkvepia :)

I received this email from one of my parent's this week. Her name is Helen Frissore, and her 2 year old daughter has special needs. She has been coming to class since around February and her daughter cried and never spoke a word or even participated much for the first month. I think she seriously considered not coming back, but I just kept encouraging her that things would get better. Just give her time. I thought what she said was so beautifully written, that I asked her if I could share it with KI for advertising or encouragement to other teachers/parents. Her response: "Let the message of how amazing kindermusik is be heard!" I hope you enjoy remembering "why we do this" as much as I did.

Aimee Carter

Mrs Aimee,

I'm so sorry that I was unable to bring Olivia to the final "our time" today, My very good friend and neighbour had a bit of a crisis and I needed to watch her twins for the day.

I haven't signed up for the next course, as we are meeting with Early Steps again next week and I'm hoping that they are going to fund kindermusic for us, so hopefully we will be back in Autumn.

I wanted to say thank you so very much for this wonderful class, you are such a talented and patient teacher,a real advocate for kids - your obvious love of children shines through at every session and in the last 4 months I've watched a a very non-social non-verbal little girl with AS transform into a funny, happy and somewhat outgoing toddler who loves to sing and dance, and who is happy to be in other childrens company. I'm utterly convinced that a lot of her development has come from attending kindermusik, and both myself and Tony are thrilled with how she's doing. We sing the songs we learnt at kindermusik ALL the time, just last night she was singing "sweetly sings the donkey" in the bathtub and this morning she was singing "toys away....toys away" as she was cleaning up her playroom. The very fact that she now follows instructions and cleans up her playroom when asked is just mind-blowing for us.

I hope to see you again in the not-too distant future, and wish you and your family every happiness, have a wonderful summer

2009 m. gegužės 13 d., trečiadienis

Kindermusik International atėjo į Lietuvą!

Jei jūs apie savo vaiką pasakytumėt- "Jis tieisog dievina muziką..." - aš nenustebčiau. Atidžiau pažvelgus į mūsų vaikų akis, reakcijas ir nuotaikas, nesunku pamatyti, kad muzika nuo pat mažens juos veikia ir džiugina.
Kindermusik International - pasaulinė vaikų ankstyvojo ugdymo su muzika kompanija- jau 30 metų kuria ir įdiegia programas vaikams nuo gimimo iki 7 metų. Remdamasi geriausiais pasaulinio garso moktojais ir sistemomis - Orfo, Suzuki, Kodaly, Montesori ir kt.- Kindermusik International yra paruošusi mokymo programas, susikrstytas pagal amžiaus grupes bei temas. Šias programas jau įvertino vaikai iš 66 šalių, pasaulyje aktyviai dirba apie 5000 Kindermusik edukatorių.

Šiuo metu Kindermusik ieško norinčių įsijungti į Kindermusik šeimą ir dirbti licencijuotais Edukatoriais Lietuvoje. Tai ne tik įdomus darbas, bet ir galimybė užsidirbti, lanksčiai nustatyti savo darbo laiką bei žinoma - dovanoti džiaugsmą Lietuvos vaikams.

Susidomėje kviečiami plačiau paskaityti: http://kindermusik.com/Teach/Teach.aspx
O taip pat ir rašyti: Kindermusik.Lithuania@gmail.com